This is some work of mine installed in 'Made for Aotearoa' a show that opened last night out at Papakura Art Gallery. They are all items from my daily routine that I've been working on for a while now. They are all titled according to what time I apply/insert/use them each morning, I do the same things at the same time everyday, give or take a few minutes.
Mascara, Tampon box with tampons and hairties..
Probably my favourite item of mine in the show, my tampon brooches that I make were mentioned today on bfm as part of a Kraftbomb interview so I am feeling pretty pro-knitted tampons right now!
Size 14 knickers and size 14B bra.. honesty is always the best policy!
It's quite a weird feeling to be exhibiting simply the knitted objects, the C I got for Sculpture in first year at art school pretty much demonstrates how much I suck at the medium, while I love this show and the objects in it it's really inspired me to get back into the photography of knitted objects - it's not something anyone else's doing (as far as I know!) and I think that's pretty cool.
Oh and I had the pleasure of participating in an epic three car crash on the way out to the gallery!