Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Honorary Mention

In relation to the post below - I just had a look at the Best Seven for the award and Gerard Herman definitely needs a mention, and not just because he took out two of the coveted spots! I love these works, there's something so simple and hilarious about them. 
In the image above Gerard 'rides on a tandem bicycle together with a self-made character 16 km from his home to his exhibition opening'. What a guy!

And in these two Gerard 'shows constantly a hooligan pose for one night. He hides his real arms under his jacket, the pose is created by a mockup'. Not only is the grammar in this sentence cute-ly skewed, but the use of the word 'hooligan'?! Love it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aha! Awesome! How you doin Shaz? Good to see ur still at it! Dpod is same old shite! Check out my new site: